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  • Writer's pictureAmy Parent

Spiritual Motherhood

Updated: Feb 4, 2020

Our previous conference had attracted many young women with new families. It was great to see such a varying generations in attendance. But it had an effect on some of the takeaways from the conference.

At the very end of most conference the organizers are supposed to hand out a conference evaluation. So, that's what i did but I never thought it would lead me to creating a new conference.

Some women had reacted negatively to the influx of so many mom's with babies and families. They felt that their questions on how their fertility and womanhood left out the women who had struggled, for one reason or another, with creating a family. Some of the comments reflected a larger concern where some think that Catholics somehow prize moms more than those women who have encountered difficulty in this portion of their lives.

Often times, we treat the topic of spiritual motherhood as a consolation prize. But all women are made for motherhood. The very nature of our bodies tell us that we are made for another.

However, motherhood is not just biological. In this of being spiritually nurturing we have the opportunity to be agents of change. So I invited Kathleen Beckman, who had written and spoken extensively on the subject, to come elaborate how we all are called to be mothers. Our motherhood is more than just having children and a spiritual mother births a spiritual life after receiving that life from Jesus Christ. Just as Mary did in the nativity.

But how do we do that? Kathleen suggested we ask for the desire. We also can reflect the heart of Mary through our duty to God and serving him. She went on to explain how prayer is the weapon of choice for all women. Mary disregarded her own status, comfort and limitations. And this is exactly why Jesus gave Mary to us. The Virgin Mary is the preeminant prayer warrior, guide and companion in the war for the souls.

Click on the image of Kathleen to go to her site.

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